

I am Rick Cox, a resident of Hawaii. I personally spent a significant amount of time browsing the Internet in search of good material that provides the education and the tools to improve my Amazon business.

However, it’s not only about what we can do to improve our business; sometimes, we end up with problems that seem impossible to overcome. For example, what happens when your Amazon account gets suspended? Is there any way to get your business back?

I’ve learned that there’s much more to be covered. It’s, therefore, my pleasure to share with you my own thoughts on wealth creation through selling on platforms like Amazon.

Where can you learn the Amazon sales marketing skills that will truly make a difference?

What matters is the difference in your understanding (if you’re building a business), or the difference in how you approach the marketing of your business, or perhaps your job (if you’re responsible for directing the marketing tactics for a brand).


The 17-hour Week

You would definitely want to have as much leisure time as possible, wouldn’t you? I mean working for only 17 hours a week or less and spending the rest of your time with your family or engaging in recreational activities. To me, this has been possible, and for that reason, I’ve received countless phone calls, text messages, and emails from people who want an appointment with me to discuss something that can transform their lives. In fact, the 17-hour working system gives me plenty of time to spend with my family, mentor others, or even play my favorite game of golf.

Are You Helping Others Succeed in Selling Online?

As you learn how to sell on Amazon and you become more visible online, you’ll begin to assume the role of a leader. And it’s understood that not everyone comes with a ready-made entrepreneurial visionary mind. So, go and learn it. One of the best ways is to spend time helping others succeed. Your network of people you surround yourself with will undoubtedly determine your success. Your daily actions will reflect your goals and the person you want to become.

It has been said, “In this life, you can actually have everything that you want, only if you spearhead others.” That sounds complicated but true. If you want to run a successful Amazon business, you should learn how to provide value to it. You can never be a prosperous Amazon seller unless you have a very important goal attached to your business, and that’s how you create a wide network of loyal friends by helping them grow successful Amazon businesses.


A Great Source of Employment

To be sincere, I am employed by the Internet. That sounds funny, doesn’t it? Unlike many other forms of employment, I don’t have to wait for a whole month to receive my paycheck. Money is always flowing into my account, and my greatest fear is not about getting sacked but about losing my business. My passion is helping other people figure out ways to achieve financial freedom.

I have been selling on Amazon for over 12 years. However, I would never say I know everything; I believe we should never stop learning, always keeping our eyes open for new products or new methods to market our goods.

Only through hard work and determination, I’ve managed to reach the point where I am constantly generating income safely without getting my Amazon account suspended again.