Amazon Blocked?
Are you tired of getting blocked notices frequently in Amazon, it might be because of some simple mistakes that you left unnoticed or which you think Amazon will not check when you make every new account.
This article will help you realize 3 of those common mistakes made frequently and avoid them in your future.
Every time our accounts get blocked, we automatically think that creating a new account is the only solution not understanding that it can be blocked again if we remain unconscious with some important things that is vital in ensuring smooth relationship between two parties.
Members who are suspended by Amazon are blocked for specific reasons, almost always either because of rule violations or because of failures to pay for completed auctions or to deliver goods for which other members have paid and selling in illegal ways. Amazon wants to determine who is allowed to trade there and who is not so they are cautious. They won’t have second thought suspending thousands of accounts if they keep on violating certain policies.
One common mistake concerns your obligation in paying your fees to Amazon. Each time when you make your payments due it is noted by Amazon and it will become a black mark on your profile. You should know that they have extended their service to you as for your convenience and not paying the bills on time means you are not making right use of the service they have offered. This will automatically result in suspension of your account so try to avoid it.
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Always remember that rules and regulations are made in any system for the proper working and you are supposed to agree those rules for its success of both parties. Amazon also has made such rules which you are supposed to follow and you are made to read those rules and agree them before you start your account. Accepting to follow those rules at first and avoiding it or failing to follow it later on means you are neglecting your responsibility as a seller. This can also result in your account suspension. So make sure you follow the rules.
Another common mistake is misrepresentation – selling counterfeit items as original and illegal ones in a pursuit of gaining more can result in business failure. In a business sense it is considered unethical. It is not a good quality of a seller. This shows you are a fraudulent seller and customers will never like it. This can also result in poor evaluation or bad comments about account and can also result in customers to lose their trust in your business.
So that makes the most common mistakes done by Amazon sellers which can result in their account suspension. To ensure smooth running of your business in Amazon pay all your fees in time, always follow the rules and regulations and be an honest seller. Enjoy doing business with Amazon.